Brebners Charity Fund Raising
Congratulations to one of our staff members for completing the London Marathon (all 26 miles 385 yards of it) on 22nd April 2018.
He raised over £2,000 for the charity Sense, the National deaf blind charity that work to help young children and adults with sensory impairments & other difficulties.
Supporting Jeans for Genes Day - September 2016
Brebners supported Jeans for Genes day 2016 and raised £510.
Jeans for Genes
JP Morgan Corporate Challenge 2016
On Wednesday 20th July 2016, Brebners competed in the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge 5.6km run in Battersea Park. 13 members of staff across most departments participated in the event and all completed the race successfully, despite the 30 degree heat!
The charity beneficiary of the event was Age UK and the JPMorgan Chase Foundation will be making a donation to them on behalf of all the firms that participated.
Supporting Jeans for Genes Day - September 2015
Brebners supported Jeans for Genes day 2015 and raised £460.
Jeans for Genes
Supporting Jeans for Genes Day - September 2014
Brebners supported Jeans for Genes day 2014 and raised £460.
Jeans for Genes
Guildford Street Angels - CTOG14
One of our partners completed "THE LONG WALK" - Canterbury to Guildford in aid of Guildford Street Angels in September 2014.
Guildford Street Angels is a voluntary organisation that puts teams of trained personnel onto the streets of Guildford on Friday and Saturday nights to help and care for those people who find themselves in distress or danger. As a university town, Guildford has a diverse and multi-cultural community with a large proportion being aged under-25. This number is also swelled by the young men and women attending nearby military training establishments. So as you might imagine, a lot of the people we help as Street Angels are young people enjoying a night out in the local pubs, clubs and bars and who, for a variety of reasons, become vulnerable. Street Angels are often able to assist and care for these people who would otherwise come to the attention of the Police or other agencies. For this reason, we work closely with Surrey Police, Guildford Town Council and other organisations within the local community.
The aim of our walk, branded ‘CTOG 14’ (Canterbury to Guildford 2014), was to raise a minimum of £7,500. These funds will be used for the purchase of uniforms and equipment (eg. personnel radios) and for training new recruits to the Street Angels Team.
Supporting Jeans for Genes Day - September 2013
Brebners supported Jeans for Genes day 2013 and raised £380.
Jeans for Genes
British 10K London Run 2012
Several Brebners staff members completed the British 10K London Run 2012 on 8th July 2012.
They raised money for Cheka Sana Children's Trust, a charity that supports the Kuleana Street Childrens Centre, Mwanza, Tanzania.
The money raised will help the centre to cover its monthly outgoings and help fund future projects to develop the centre.
If you could sponsor us any amount, no matter how big or small, it would be really appreciated.
You can do this by clicking on the following link:
Over £700 was raised.