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Being a mid-tier firm with 20 partners and a further 100 staff we are large enough to have partner led teams delivering specialist services usually only offered by larger firms. This is especially useful to our clients as their needs change over time – for example if funding is required for growth our corporate finance team can assist, or if expansion is via acquisition our transaction services team can complete any required due diligence. Indeed some of our larger clients came to us as start-ups, and we have worked with them over many years to help them grow and diversify their businesses.
At the same time we maintain our focus on providing the ‘business as usual’ services such as accounts and tax compliance. The services we provide are coordinated by a partner ensuring consistently high quality information and a personal approach which builds over time to a trusted relationship. Click below to view our full service listing.
We have particular experience across ten sectors – but that’s not to say we don’t act for clients across all industries! Click below to view our specialist sectors and industries where we have particular expertise and decades of experience helping our clients.
View our full service listing View our specialist sectors & industries